Hey, I'm Jasil.

About Me

An Engineer, a Tech Enthusiast and a Full Stack developer in making, who would love to work on a space where technology and art intersect.

When I was 10 years old, I put an entire dismantled CPU parts of an old computer back to working without any instructions or guide book. Although it never ran past the boot screen, but as a 10 year old that exhilarating feeling of fixing it back to work cannot be explained by mere words. I did learn a lesson that day- If you want to build something or solve a problem and you have no idea how to go about it, be bold enough to dive into it, you will eventually figure it out. Ever since then I have embraced to do things I have no idea about.

Obssesed with science and technology early on in my life, I have failed to appreciate arts. It was not until half way through engineering I realised that, there is beauty and feel for arts which, science and technology fails to capture(credits to my friend who removed this 'art filter' off of me). And web development happens to be one of the fields where technology and art intersect.

I am currently learning NodeJS to complete the certification on Backend Development from FCC. And I look forward to explore web's full potential, as it matures itself to unlock applications beyond computers and smartphones.

If I am not coding, I would be on Quora or Medium reading. I am not sure if it counts, but I'll put it here anyway, I am pretty good at building recursive acronyms :).

You can can view my Official Front End Developer certificate and solutions to Algorithm challenges at my FreeCodeCamp profile


Wikipedia Viewer

The project makes use of Wikipedia's MediaWiki API to render top 10 results from Wikipedia by making an AJAX call.
Go ahead and click the image to check out. It's got a pretty awsome search box.


A basic Calculator made out of HTML, CSS and JQuery. It does look real with right shadows.Have a look at it, and play around. I would be turning it into a Progressive Web App soon.


Remember the old game we used to play back in the school and college days when lecturer happened to be this ultra boring personality. Yeah, some of us called it 'X-O-X'(including me :) ).
Play the game now!! And try to beat the computer.
Did I mention that it's smart?? So make your moves wisely.

Simon Game

Simon is an electronic game of memory skill invented by Ralph H. Baer and Howard J. Morrison, with software programming by Lenny Cope. The game was a pop culture symbol of 1970s and 1980s.
Play the software version of the game and if you can get past level 20, you have an extraordinary memory!!

Pomodoro Clock

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals. The method is based on the idea that frequent breaks can improve mental agility.
Here's an interactive Pomorodo Clock. So the next time you sit for studying or coding, start with Pomodoro Clock.

Random Quote Generator

Looking for Some tech quotes ?? Check out the Random Quote Generator.
Find the quote Interesting ?? You can Tweet them on Twitter with just a single click.

Weather Web

Get the local weather updates realtime.The website fetches data from Open Weather API and renders informations like current temperature, humidity, pressure etc. You can also toggle between celsius scale and faherenheit scale.

Low-Voltage Fully Programmable Membership Function Generator Circuit

My final year B.E project.
Today’s technology is binary having a crisp value, like 0 or 1, i.e. true or false, whereas in reality the world is analog. It is difficult for a human being to take decision when the things are uncertain (vague). And for certain systems, generating the mathematical model is very difficult. For such systems, the fuzzy logic can be used to make decisions and also in generating the models. Fuzzy logic is characterized by the membership function. The membership function gives the degree of belongingness. Normally, the Gaussian, trapezoidal, triangular and sigmoidal membership functions are used. In this proposed work, an attempt to generate membership function circuit using a bias voltage of 0.8 V with 180 nm technology using virtuoso is made.

Check out more of my works @

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